The Top Reasons Why the Packaging for Your Product Plays a Central Role in Consumer Choice

The Top Reasons Why the Packaging for Your Product Plays a Central Role in Consumer Choice

Here’s one interesting fact that it would benefit you to know if your company produces a product or products: did you know that about 95% percent of newly-released products are not successful? In other words, they fail. These products may have solid marketing campaigns, maybe created with the assistance of companies similar to Hooked Marketing or other companies that could possibly assist with marketing a product. However, there are many aspects to products which possibly could cause them to not do so well as planned. One primary reason for this is actually quite simple – many consumers just don’t have the energy (or time) to assess the disadvantages or advantages of products on supermarket shelves, so they often make their choice based on the packaging of your product. This is a fact that many business owners and manufacturers know but often fail to act upon. The power of proper product packaging is immense. Here are the top reasons why the packaging for your product plays a central role in consumer choice.

  • It showcases your product’s uniqueness

There are many products known worldwide, and what makes them instantly recognisable, in many cases, is their packaging. Think of brands such as Coca-Cola or McDonald’s. The packaging you choose for your particular product will showcase your product’s uniqueness – it serves as an advertisement for your product, and even if customers are not fully aware of your product, they will automatically be attracted to the packaging if it is done well. It’s important for your product’s packaging to stand out, especially if it has to compete with a myriad of other products on the shelves. The same is said for e-commerce packaging, selling online is a massive revenue and customers who recieve their packages want it to look good and make them feel like the business they bought from genuinely cares. So looking into companies like Epic Packaging can help with making the right visual decisions that will bring in and retain customers.

  • It has a direct influence on your profits

If you are a startup business, you should pay particular attention to your packaging. Remember that your target market doesn’t know much about what your product can offer since it’s new – so the packaging of your product will greatly impact their decision to buy your product. Attractive and effective packaging will encourage customers to take a closer look at your product, ultimately influencing their buying decision. Always keep in mind that first impressions matter a lot when it comes to product marketing and sales, so investing in a nice packaging design could help you win more customers in the long term. They may be able to assist in providing solutions for packing that is marketable and that could work well with advertising.

Even if you are already a well-known brand, your packaging can still have a direct impact on your sales. If you want to re-launch your product, you can choose to change the packaging – and new and innovative packaging or custom boxes can pique the interest of your target market, especially since they are already familiar with your product and your brand.

Learn about the trends and the demographics

If you truly want to give your product a boost, it’s crucial to know what’s going on in the packaging industry. Do your research, learn about the latest trends in packaging, and seek help and advice whenever necessary. There are firms which supply important reports on the packaging industry, such as NOA, which offers an immensely useful corrugated packaging industry report. Know what’s out there and give your product the packaging upgrade it needs.

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During a career spanning across twenty years, Bill has perfected the art of stock trading like few others. They say, a stock trader needs an incredible work ethic, an enormous amount of intelligence, a cool head, and the ability to think outside the box. Bill possesses all of these qualities, and much more beyond.