TOP-5 Forex Trading Platforms: Which is the Best One?

TOP-5 Forex Trading Platforms: Which is the Best One?

Traders often discuss the comfort and usefulness of different Forex trading platforms. If we have a look at the issue, we’ll notice that some of them have gained a great popularity, while others are not widely used at all. Why is it so?

The secret is in the criteria for choosing a trading platform. The team of JustForex broker is going to tell you what are that criteria and which trading platforms match them the most! After that, be ready to meet the list of TOP platforms that have gained popularity among Forex traders.

– Efficient and quick work has the paramount importance, as day traders hunt for every second. The more quick a trading platform is, the more precise results a trader will get. Anyway, if you trade long-term, you may not take the speed into account.

– Functionality is on the second place. Before choosing a platform, pay attention to charts, time frames, indicators, advisors, modes, news, and so on. Both long-time and short-time traders need those features and instruments.

– Easy to understand and user-friendly interface can also influence the trader’s work. All features of a platform should be in direct access. A trader may open and close orders quickly, switch between charts and add indicators effectively.

– Security is one more important point to keep in mind while choosing the Forex trading platform. Note, that it may depend both on the platform and the broker of your choice.

– Platform mobility is not obligatory, but very important, as it’s comfortable to check your trades from other places except home and office. This way, you can use different devices with various operating systems for trading.

Finally, we came to the TOP list of Forex trading platforms which are considered to be the best choices.

  1. MetaTrader4 or MT4 is on the first place. It’s the most suitable Forex trading platform for the everyday work, due to this fact it’s used by the majority of traders on the daily basis.

This program released by MetaQuotes Software Corp has a distributed architecture. It allows both manual and automatic trading, as well as creating and implementing own strategies. The software was released in 2005, but it’s still widely used because of its productivity and performance. More than 10.000 traders are served by the platform at a time.

What else can be said about it, is a perfect security system of MT4, programming feature and vast analytical opportunities.

  1. MetaTrader 5 or MT5 is an improved and extended version of MetaTrader4. The software corporation aimed for creating a new platform that has all the existing opportunities for traders. And they did it. MT5 allows trading futures, CFDs and options except the classical currency pairs, with one account. It includes 79 trading instruments for performing technical analysis, 21 time frames, level II, alert system, and many other features.

They have also improved the MQL5 programming system compared to MT4.

  1. Ninja Trader is a software from the company with the similar name. It is a platform of full functionality that allows trading on Forex, futures, stocks and options markets. It is a set of means of automated and manual trading, market analytics, and other features. The main advantages of Ninja Trader are strong security and efficiency. There are two versions of the software: Lite (free) and Pro (paid).
  1. Zulu Trade by Zulutrade is a system of free signals for traders. It can be also named a ‘traders community’ that numbers nearly 1200 people. They all trade on live accounts with different brokers as signals providers and their subscribers. This is very comfortable for newbies and those who prefer social trading to the manual one. The company has also introduced their special Alchemy service that automatically compares signals providers and gives an opportunity to choose the best one for copying signals.
  1. Mirror Trader was developed and distributed by Trandency specially for social trading, as you already understand. It is in some way similar to the Zulu Trade platform and works like a PAMM-account. People can trade automatically and semi-automatically, and those who prefer to trade by themselves, there is an option for the manual trading. The interface is pleasant and easy to use, so choose your strategy and start working.

These were the most popular Forex trading platforms. Anyway, you have your own wishes and preferences, so choose the most comfortable software, and enjoy just comfortable trading!

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During a career spanning across twenty years, Bill has perfected the art of stock trading like few others. They say, a stock trader needs an incredible work ethic, an enormous amount of intelligence, a cool head, and the ability to think outside the box. Bill possesses all of these qualities, and much more beyond.