A person who seeks asylum in the United States has the right to bring a legal representative to the immigration proceedings before the immigration court. A legal representative can help you have a higher success rate in the court regarding your petition for an asylum grant. Depending on where they want to settle, they may look into how an immigration investor program can be of service to them. There is more here that people can look into to see how this has the potential to factor into what they need.
Asylum attorneys assist applicants in filing their applications and make sure that the required categories are filled correctly. The filing process is crucial because if the beginning of the application contains incorrect marks, it will fall onto a loop of delays and pile up with other pending cases.
To apply for asylum, you and your lawyer must file a Form G-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney, and submit it to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for them to allow your representative in the asylum interview.
The Role of an Asylum Attorney
One of the essential roles of an attorney in an asylum interview is their assistance. In an interview, you would want to arrive at the location at the time indicated in your Notice. Oftentimes, non-citizens mixed up the location of offices that they need to attend. And that creates a canceled appointment and would sometimes result in re-application. The role of an attorney is to assist you from the start, including what office your interview is conducted, and helps you avoid missing the time.
In an asylum interview, an officer will have personal background inquiries. These inquiries involve most of what you have provided in the application form, evidence or support for your application grant, and any grounds that can apply to your case. Your attorney can help you further answer the questions in a definite manner, or some circumstances help interpret the question if the language serves as a barrier for mutual understanding. Additionally, the interview can sometimes last for 2 to 4 hours, depending on the weight of the case. Your representative can help you prepare all the facts and other information that the officer should know. Which will help support your petition. The interview is also going to be jotted down by your lawyer for your benefit in court.
An asylum attorney can also wrap up the interview by having an overview and summary of your case to give the proper emphasis on your reason for the grant and why it is impossible for you to return home. This part of the interview is necessary because this will conclude the basis for application and why you should be granted asylum. Hiring an asylum attorney creates an easier field for you as the petitioner to understand your case and the chances of having a grant or denial. An attorney makes it easier and can also give you a Plan B of the possible circumstances that might happen.
Overall, having an immigration attorney when seeking asylum is a necessity. Various law firms and groups prove that hiring one creates a higher possibility of a grant. If you are indeed in need of a place to be secured and can guarantee your safety, this is the reason why receiving assistance from professionals is the best decision to make.